Assessing and monitoring the health of pregnant woman, postpartum woman and the fetus/ newborn.
Providing counseling to the future parents in order to prepare them for the parental role smoothly.
Prevention of pathological conditions that treat pregnant women and infant’s health (preterm/ full-term) and the provision of increased intensive care.
Early detection of pathological symptoms related to the physical and mental health of pregnant woman/ postpartum woman, newborn/ infant.
Early detection of adverse situations within the family such as domestic violence.
Breastfeeding promotion and support to breastfeeding mother after leaving the maternity unit.
Parent education and support for the development of mother-child and father-child attachment.
Informing and awareness of the winder community (scientific and non- scientific) about the adoption of good practice such as normal childbirth delivery, breastfeeding, early detection of perinatal mental disorders.